class: middle, center # Serverless in Deno
[en](index.en.html) | [ja](index.html) --- # [Issue 1456](
--- class: middle, center Everyone wants
--- class: middle, center An Old Issue
... Still Open --- class: middle, center ๐ค Is it possible to do Serverless in Deno? --- Who I am - @kt3k
Yoshiya Hinosawa - A Freelance Frontend Engineer (Writes React daily) - Works in
--- class: middle, center
--- class: middle, center ๐ก You can write Lambda in any language now. --- class: middle, center Did [the tutorial]( --- class: middle, center
[The example script]( is very technical as bash script Who've ever parsed http headers in bash? --- class: middle It roughly does: - Initializes the lambda function - GET request from `/runtime/invocation/next` - POST back response to `/runtime/invocation/:request_id/response` --- class: middle, center Try it in Deno --- ```code export DENO_DIR=/tmp/deno_dir echo " import { $HANDLER_NAME } from '$LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT/$HANDLER_FILE.ts'; const API_ROOT = 'http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2018-06-01/runtime/invocation/'; (async () => { while (true) { const next = await fetch(API_ROOT + 'next'); const reqId = next.headers.get('Lambda-Runtime-Aws-Request-Id'); const res = await $HANDLER_NAME(await next.json()); await (await fetch( API_ROOT + reqId + '/response', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(res) } )).blob(); } })(); " > /tmp/runtime.ts $SCRIPT_DIR/deno run --allow-net --allow-read /tmp/runtime.ts ``` [link]( --- class: middle, center Deployed it, and it worked! ๐ช
--- Major pitfalls: - Needed to build custom deno - to avoid [GLIBC 2.18 problem]( - Needed to set DENO_DIR to somewhere under /tmp/ - because Lambda only allows to write under /tmp/ --- People asking for some article...
--- class: middle, center [Done!](
--- class: middle, center Many positive reactions! ๐
--- class: middle, center Deno officially tweeted my post ๐บ
--- Remaining issues: - Need to resolve GLIBC 2.18 problem - Set up CI for Lambda Runtime - It seems possible by using AWS SAM - Support Cloud Function - Support Azure Function - Probably we can create Now 2 deno-builder --- class: middle, center Let's go Deno x Serverless! ๐ช --- class: middle, center Fin ๐ฆ